limpida marvelous pt.1

To have control over your resources is not only a matter of possession. It’s a matter of an attitude towards life and there is many way to control an environement. One can perform submission by control. Another car understand it as the fact of being aware of each and every parameters that might infl uence the path between him and the ressource. Anthropology has shown that in every symbiosis situation between a society and it’s environment, life is organized by practical ans rational uses that are embedded in spiritual or religious beliefs and traditions. It seems to us that our anthropocentric culture has a lack of spiritual ressources for building up a profound ecological relation to our environment. Therefore, being an ecological activist is also being poet, is also building a spiritual and affective ground where everyone can project himself. We argue that water is more than what you think it is. No ecology can exist without perceiving a resource both as a matter and a holy gift. Water is a shared good, the city’s blood, a space activator, a public denominator. Under the growing threat of privatization of ressources in a neo-liberal context, we believe that activating an extra layer of poetry around the theme of water is a way to prevent a potential acceptation that water is nothing more than three atomesx that can be priced and quantified. It has been shown in Bolivia during Cochabamba Water War that the perception of water sources as an holy entity has led to a more engaged fi ght against water privatization policies, this fi ght leading to the recognition in the constitution to the right to «Mother Earth». Then, why not acting for an hybridation of languages, between one that’s rational and technocratic, and the other one that is poetical and spiritual. Is modernity profoundly rejecting any forms of spirituality? Water should be on the central square and our lives should revolve around it. Think how drinking a glass of water relates you with the intimacy of the fl owing river. Is life much more than this? We design and build tools to hack water, stock it and share it. We turn infrastructures into suprastructures that will help you mastering your environment as much as it is mastering you.